We just replaced Squirrel Mail with a new webmail called RoundCube. They stopped doing any new development on Squirrelmail in 2005 and so it was time for something new and fresh. RoundCube has to be the best webmail I have ever seen. In fact, it even blows away Gmail! It doesn't even feel like webmail, instead, it feels like a desktop ... Read More »
We just completely recreated our web site. Check it out. If you are a customer, it has a lot of useful resources. If you are not a customer, there is much more information about our services.
New video tutorials, more knowledge base articles, faster easier access to your control panel and much more.
Are you having problems finding the domain name you want? All the good .com names are taken. Try the new .co which has recently been made available.
Get your name registered now while great domain names are still available.